Collected blogs on ecosystems
A collection of my blogs on ecosystems: Platform ecosystems
A collection of my blogs on ecosystems: Platform ecosystems
Het begrip ‘ecosysteem’ duikt steeds vaker op in het spraakgebruik van managers. Maar wat is een ecosysteem eigenlijk en wat kan een organisatie doen om een gezond ecosysteem te krijgen? Om die vragen te beantwoorden, worden in dit artikel drie versc ...
Ecosystems: what are they and how to govern them? This article discusses three types of ecosystems and their governance requirements. How to orchestrate, cocreate and curate ecosystems. Read the article here: Governing Ecosystems
This article describes the three most common business models for partnerships and alliances. It clarifies when to use which model, how to operationalize the models and how to manage collaborative business models over time. Many practical examples ill ...
Wat betekent de trend naar allianties en netwerken voor de Raad van Commissarissen en de Raad van Toezicht? Organisaties voeren een groot deel van hun activiteiten steeds meer uit met samenwerkingspartners. Baten, kosten en risico’s zijn daarmee afha ...
The job title of ecosystem manager is increasingly common. But what does an ecosystem manager do? And how does her job differ from that of an alliance manager? This article identifies seven things an ecosystem manager does. Read the art ...
Op basis van grootschalig onderzoek naar meer dan 100 adviesprojecten, laten we zien dat drie nieuwe business modellen ontstaan: collaborative consulting, continuous consulting en instant consulting. Lees het white paper: .De drie nieuwe business ...
This article argues that research into corporate governance should not only focus on the traditional CEO-driven, publicly listed and shareholder value generating company. We propose a research agenda that focuses on the governance of organiz ...
This article presents an approach to balancing control and trust when designing alliances. It also presents common mistakes in alliance design. Read more here: Control trust dilemma in alliances
Chip Rodgers of WorkSpan interviewed me about ecosystems and alliance business models. Watch the full Video or listen to the podcast here: Podcast WorkSpan